First Circle Spells

From Falling Sky

This is a list of commonly-known First Circle magic spells. If you know First Circle magic, you may fill one of your spell slots with a spell from this list between adventures if you wish.

Mage Skin

Casting Time: 3 second verbal.

Effect: You may call RESIST to the next strike or call that hits you.

Suggested verbal:

   “Heed my call, steel and stone // protect my body, blood and bone.”


3 second verbal.

Choose a single target at close range and call REPEL at them. You may do this up to three times. If the encounter ends, remaining charges are lost.

Suggested verbal:

   “Nightmare, shadow, creeping near // fill their minds with chilling fear.”


3 second verbal.

Choose a single target at close range and call WOULD YOU KINDLY: “Fight me now.” at them. This will cause them to attack you rather than your allies, and can be useful to pull enemies out of position.

Suggested verbal:

   “Release your hatred from its cage // and roar the storm’s unending rage!”


3 second verbal.

Choose a single target at close range and call WEAKNESS at them. You may do this up to three times. If the encounter ends, remaining charges are lost.

Suggested verbal:

   “Feel the bony grasp of death // tear out your last still-living breath.”

Disruption Bolt

3 second verbal.

Choose a single target at close range and call SINGLE DISRUPT at them. You may do this up to three times. If the encounter ends, remaining charges are lost.

This spell doesn't do much damage, but it is useful against spectral beings specifically.

Suggested verbal:

   “Mana to a vortex form // and fly, my magic, as a storm!”

Form of Terror

No verbal required.

You immediately call MASS REPEL. You can’t indicate an arc for this MASS call; it always affects everyone in close range.

You may do this up to three times. If the encounter ends, remaining charges are lost.

Chains of Binding

3 second verbal.

Close range single target WEAKNESS. You may repeat this WEAKNESS call on the same target every ten seconds. Once you’ve called WEAKNESS with this spell three times, you may call PARALYSE on the same target instead. Lasts as long as you continue casting and do not attack or cast another spell.

Suggested verbal:

   “Chains to hold and chains to bind // chains to keep the world confined.”

(this verbal can be repeated as a chant 3x to count the ten second intervals)